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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Aumento de qualicação Ekonomist 0301

País: Bielorússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: ???????????  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Speciality of E. 03. 01- "economy and production control". Ñïåöèàëè çàöèÿ of E. 03. 01. 02. - "economics and management of machine-building of ïðåäïðèÿ òèÿìè.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

For chiefs of all control levels, representatives of economic services and laboratories, for all comers with highest engineering and economic education. The listeners will study: strategic municipal departments ëåíèå enterprise; production - economic connections of enterprise; evaluation of production activity of enterprises; îðãàíè efficiency çàöèîííîé structure. The skill improvement in ÓÖ shall be made in ñîîò âåòñòâèè with admission plan, which is formed under contract with mi íèñòåðñòâàìè, departments, enterprises and interested parties. You listeners z on skill improvement is carried out ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning manuals. At the same time the enterprise and organization in ñîî òâåòñòâèè with plan of its ministry (the departments) or along a straight line Doi thief with ÓÖ not subsequently, as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses represent in ÓÖ the following documents for every the listener: - enterprise direction, under ïèñàííîå the head of enterprises and certified by the stamp; - copy äîêóìåí that on higher education (diploma); - copy of payment orders on îïëà those for listener education; - signed contract (in two copies) on education in ÓÖ "industry personnels". Above mentioned documents shall send on hell ðåñó ÓÖ "the industry personnels" or hand in personally, but not subsequently as for 5 days before the beginning of businesses. Living in another town listeners are given áëàãîóñòðîåí Noy hostel or áðîíèðóþòñÿ place in hotels. There may be the organization food. The listeners are provided education-methodics literature.

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por crs

Ruble payment of radiobiological plant or Russian Federation at the rate of national. Radiobiological plant bank. beginning îáó- ÷åíèÿ on fact of prepayment . Is indicated the base cost of tuition without additional services ( without dwelling and food).