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rotocano contrainflamação RP

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

In case of diseases of mucous membrane of the mouth cavity of different etiology and ïàðàäîíòà, in case of erosion-ulcerous affections of stomach and 12-ïåðñòíîé Keesha SIF, ãàñòðî-äóîäåíèòàõ, enteritis, êîëèòàõ, cholecystitis et al

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

For adults. Mixture of liquid extracts calendula, daisy wheels and òûñÿ÷åëèñò Nika . Combines anti-inflammatory and the spasmolytic activity of rho ìàøêè with wound-healthing properties the calendula and styptic common yarrow. Is competent at,, the side effects not âûÿâëå N. is low-toxic. In the form of solution - 1 teaspoon on glass of warm boiled water. for mucous membrane of the mouth cavity: applications 15-20 mine, puddle 1-2 minute. Parodontium: in the subgingival spaces introduce on 20 mine moistened with turunda once per day. Rate 4-6 time. In gastroenterology: inside on 1/3-1/2 glass solution for 30 mine before meal 3-4 once every day. Rate 3-4 weeks. Mi êðîêëèçìû with 50-100 solution magnetic tape - after cleansing enema 1-2 time in day. Rate 10-15 time.

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por vl