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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Equipamento, acessórios e aparelhagem de medicina

Estimulador eléctrico autónomo AES ZHKT-RV

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Ðåêòàëüíî-âàãèíàëüíûé. For circuits of complex therapy in gynecology, Ur îëîãèè, proctology, reproduction region of person.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

According to results performed the clinical studies it was established that the nuclear power plant ÆÊÒ-ÐÂ allow to: - at the expense of electric-pulse effect at the expense of elimination chronical bolts; to recover the blood microcirculation, rendering the positive influence on utilization of ýíäîèíòîêñèöèîííîãî factor; - possessing bacteriostatic effect, to realize intraorgan the electrophoresis of medicines, concentrating them in local application with simultaneous decrease of medicated load on other organs and the organism as a whole; - 2-3 time improve the efficiency of complex therapy of chronical inflammatory diseases of sex sphere; - efficiently to remove related to mentioned diseases violation of reproductive function when introducing the stimulator per rectum is provided full the safety, because it sensory satisfies all requirements of rectal candle. the nuclear power plant ÆÊÒ-ÐÂ can be used in medical practice as a electronic stimulator potency. Application of it rather really and comfortably, and the positive influence on copulatory function may be are appreciable already through minutes íåñêîëîêî, the sex life against this background is getting brighter and ïîëíîöåíåå.

Condições de fornecimento:

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