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Equipamento, acessórios e aparelhagem de medicina

Aparelho fisioterapéutico AURI-KVCH

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

For àóðèëî and EHF therapy ÑÓ-ÄÆÎÊ.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

KBR puncture, in particular àóðèêóëî- and Ñó-Äæîê-ïóíêòóðà, - on principle new trend in medicine, based on combination fundamental discoveries of physics of live and millennial experience of eastern medicine. the basis of EHF therapy lies the effect by the nonthermal electromagnet radiation of extremely high frequency (KBR) and low intensity on biologically active stops (Bathes), simulating signals, produced living organisms. EHF therapy method, excluding heat strokes on molecular level, adjusts the organism state on cell level, stimulates its protective forces, that guarantees the receipt permanent positive prophylactic and therapeutic results. classic àóðèêóëî- and the developing ÑÓ-ÄÆÎÊ-òåðàïèÿ give çíà÷èòåëüíàå the additional opportunities for treating and preventive measure a large number of diseases: - for increasing of total protective status of organism, - in treating of ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenal, - in case of treatment of cardiovascular diseases, - in case of preventive measure and medical treatment of respiratory diseases, - in treating of osteochondrosis, back pain, ischioneuralgia, - in treating of dermatology diseases. "ÀÓÐÈ-ÊÂ×" - 1-êàíàëüíûé of apparata, consisting of power supply unit with amounts 130õ60õ40 of MM and carring out radiator, providing the amount active spot by the diameter 1. 0 MM, working at wavelengths 7. 1, 5. 6, 4. 9 MM under order consumer. Apparata mass not more 300,. Áåçìåäèêàìåíòîçíûé, non-invasive, safe, not having collateral effects the method àóðèêóëî- and ÊÂ×-ïóíêòóðû Ñó-Äæîê is provided apparata "ÀÓÐÈ-ÊÂ×", which may be exploitable in ïîëèêëèííèêàõ, hospitals, preventorium, sanatoria, âðà÷åáíî-ôèçêóëüòóðíûõ outpatient clinics, in home and field conditions.

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm