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Víveres aliménticos, bebidas e componentes para estes

Vodka especial

Escolha marca de produtos
 •  Inter
 *  Nac.
  • "Ak Bars"

    *  "Ak Bars"

  • From alcohol "extra" with the addition of sugar. Brought natural èíãðèäè åíòû (the extract ïøåíà, the honey, the syrup sugar) attach the soft taste and clean the vodka aroma.
  • "Aleksandrovskaya"

    *  "Aleksandrovskaya"

  • Classic technology, including national heritages. The content aromatic alcohols, lime colours, ðÿáèíû, fruits of coriander and caraway gives the non-repeatable aroma of "Russianwood" and fields.
  • "Amur"

    *  "Amur"

  • On the basis of high-quality alcohol "extra", developed from îòáîðí oho of grain raw material. Has been developed in 1999.
  • "Amurskaya"

    *  "Amurskaya"

  • On classic technology on the basis of high-quality alcohol "Ýêñò r" and corrected drinking water. Has been developed in 1993.
  • "Arbatskaya"

    *  "Arbatskaya"

  • From alcohol "the extra", of specially prepared water, with the addition Lima ííîé acid, Angarsky municipal structure áîíèôèêàòîðà 97, sugar liquor . Alcohol 40%.
  • "Bayrat"

    *  "Bayrat"

  • From alcohol "the extra", has good sensory characteristics. Èíãðè äèåíòû: sugar liquor, extract of wheat brans, natrium bicarbonate , the vanillin attach the soft taste and does not affect the clean vodka aroma.
  • "Bryanskaya partizanskaya"

    *  "Bryanskaya partizanskaya"

  • From high-quality grain alcohol "the extra" and specially ïðèãîò îâëåííîé the natural water with the addition of fructose, succinic acid, anise îâîãî butter and extract nettle.
  • "Bugulminskaya"

    *  "Bugulminskaya"

  • From alcohol "extra" with the addition of sugar. The availability of ascorbic and ëèìîíí the acids ouch improves the taste.
  • "Veseluha"

    *  "Veseluha"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Vivat"

    *  "Vivat"

  • From alcohol "extra", of specially prepared the waters, with the addition of Cali I iodide and sugar. Alcohol 40%.
  • "Vladimir Monomah"

    *  "Vladimir Monomah"

  • Is prepared by traditional technology from ðåêòèôèêîâàííîãî alcohol "Ýê page" with the addition of ascorbic acid. Light clean vodka Aroma t and the soft taste guarantee the fine quality and the uniqueness.
  • "Vladimirskaya YUbileynaya"

    *  "Vladimirskaya YUbileynaya"

  • Soft taste and light aroma of juniper berry.
  • "Vstrecha bez galstuka"

    *  "Vstrecha bez galstuka"

  • From alcohol "extra" with the addition of ascorbic acid, extract êóêóðóçí cereal product ouch, vanillin, syrup of sugar. Soft on taste with clean vodka aroma.
  • "Gerbovaya"

    *  "Gerbovaya"

  • The traditional Russian vodka, the taste and the aroma of which softened by the special additions. Fortress 40%.
  • "Gzhelka"

    *  "Gzhelka"

  • Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé "luxury"; drinkable specially under ãîòîâëåííàÿ of treated water; sugar; citric acid for softening the taste and fortress 40%.
  • "Goluboy topaz"

    *  "Goluboy topaz"

  • With light mint taste and fine aroma anise, which charm in details mysterious depth of azure precious stone. Fortress 40%.
  • "Dyadya Vanya"

    *  "Dyadya Vanya"

  • Composition: high-quality alcohol "extra" from selected grain, ñïåöèàëü but refined and softened the drinking water, sugar additions and small to îëè÷åñòâà of food components.
  • "Za milyh dam"

    *  "Za milyh dam"

  • Elite, with exquisite soft taste. Is prepared on traditional òåõíîëî ãèè of Russian vodka.
  • "Zvezda Rossii"

    *  "Zvezda Rossii"

  • From alcohol "extra", of specially prepared the waters, with the addition of Cali I iodide and sugar. Alcohol 40%.
  • "Zeyskie ogni"

    *  "Zeyskie ogni"

  • On the basis of high-quality alcohol "extra", developed from îòáîðí oho of grain raw material. Has been developed in 1993.
  • "Zolotoe kolco"

    *  "Zolotoe kolco"

  • Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé "luxury"; drinkable specially under ãîòîâëåííàÿ water; a small number of food components (long wave natrium carbonic, acetic acid food). Fortress: 40%.
  • "Zolotoy lev"

    *  "Zolotoy lev"

  • The basis of preparation put the vintage recipes, ecologically clean the grain alcohol, êðèñòàëüíî the pure water and the centuries-old tradition produce the leu.
  • "Ivanovich"

    *  "Ivanovich"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Knyaz SerebryanY"

    *  "Knyaz SerebryanY"

  • On classic technology of Russian vodka. Composition: ecologically clean grain alcohol, specially prepared the water, aromatic alcohol Kalgan root war gas, parsleys and birch kidneys.
  • "Kremlevskaya"

    *  "Kremlevskaya"

  • Soft taste, fine aroma of citrus and hardly being caught aroma of field colours.
  • "Kristall"

    *  "Kristall"

  • Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé "luxury"; drinkable specially under ãîòîâëåííàÿ of treated water, number of food components (long wave natrium carbonic, acetic acid food, "ÁÀÄ). Fortress 40%.
  • "Luzhkovskaya"

    *  "Luzhkovskaya"

  • From alcohol "extra". The application of aromatic alcohol and barkley malt of IR èäàåò this vodka the freshness.
  • "Mariinskaya Anisovaya"

    *  "Mariinskaya Anisovaya"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Mariinskaya Tminnaya"

    *  "Mariinskaya Tminnaya"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Medvezhy ugol"

    *  "Medvezhy ugol"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Moskovskaya"

    *  "Moskovskaya"

  • Fortress 40%
  • "Otradnaya"

    *  "Otradnaya"

  • From alcohol of highest purification with the addition of citric acid, natrium äâóóãë åêèñëîãî with flavoring agent "vodka" L0340 company of Bush Boake Allen.
  • "Posolskaya"

    *  "Posolskaya"

  • From alcohol "the extra" with the addition of powdered skim milk, that ïðèä Ayus product crystal glance. Taste soft with vodka aroma.
  • "Prazdnichnaya"

    *  "Prazdnichnaya"

  • Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé "extra"; drinkable specially p îäãîòîâëåííàÿ water; sugar. Fortress: 40%
  • "Radiks"

    *  "Radiks"

  • The unique formula, connected the author development and traditional m the production Toda, has given vodka the amazing taste and the non-repeatable Aro mat.
  • "Rzhanaya"

    *  "Rzhanaya"

  • The taste of Russian traditional drink fortunately are connected and aroma of rye bread. Fortress 40%. Ðàçëèâàåòñÿ in bottles of volume 0, 5 L..
  • "Russky hit"

    *  "Russky hit"

  • Is prepared by classic Russian traditions. Brought p ingredients ðèäàþò non-repeatable soft taste, ïðèðîëíóþ freshness and clean vodka aroma.
  • "Sabantuy"

    *  "Sabantuy"

  • Is prepared on classic technology of Russian vodka from alcohol of highest octane number èñòêè using of extract of wheat brans.
  • "Saproshin"

    *  "Saproshin"

  • Diamond among precious placer of plant product - for gourmets, admitting only elitist product. Fortress 40%. Ðàçëèâàåòñÿ in áó the backs of volume 0, 5 L..
  • "Svenskaya"

    *  "Svenskaya"

  • From grain alcohol of firm production using of soft ñïåöè àëüíî prepared addition. Is distinguished by the peculiar soft taste. R åêîìåíäóåòñÿ to use cooled.
  • "Severny Kuzbass"

    *  "Severny Kuzbass"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Sibirskaya zima"

    *  "Sibirskaya zima"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Slavyanskaya zvezda"

    *  "Slavyanskaya zvezda"

  • From high-quality alcohol "extra" and specially prepared waters y, passed the multiple purification.
  • "Snezhet"

    *  "Snezhet"

  • On the basis of high-quality alcohol "the extra" and specially is prepared by the Noy of natural water with the addition inverted the sugar liquor, ÿá ëî÷íîãî vinegar and potassium of iodide.
  • "Stepanych"

    *  "Stepanych"

  • From alcohol of highest purification. The aroma of juniper berry and nutmeg attach the particular soft harmonic taste with light forest aroma ìîææå of âåëüíèêà.
  • "Stolichnaya"

    *  "Stolichnaya"

  • Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé "extra"; drinkable specially p îäãîòîâëåííàÿ water; sugar. Fortress: 40%.
  • "Topaz Lyuks"

    *  "Topaz Lyuks"

  • Class "Ïðåìèóì. Which are a part of the natural commodity of vegetation p ðîèñõîæäåíèÿ îáëàãîðàæèâàåò taste qualities and precludes possible not the pleasant consequences of alcohol adoption. Fortress 40%.
  • "Tulskaya oruzheyngaya"

    *  "Tulskaya oruzheyngaya"

  • On traditional technology of Russian vodka using of vitamin d îáàâîê.
  • "Tulskaya"

    *  "Tulskaya"

  • The additions of aromatic alcohol and enzimated rye malt attach t this vodka the soft taste and the aroma of pumpernickel.
  • "Habarovskaya"

    *  "Habarovskaya"

  • Fortress 40%.
  • "Carica"

    *  "Carica"

  • From high-quality grain alcohol "the extra" on traditional òåõíî ëîãèè of Russian vodka with herbage utilization, grown in Russia.
  • "Carskaya sloboda"

    *  "Carskaya sloboda"

  • The elitist drink is prepared by traditional technology. B content èàêòèâíûõ additions and carbohydrate preparation "àëêîñîôò" the taste pleasantly mitigates, òîíèçèðóåò, stimulates the vivacity and removes the alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
  • "Carskie regalii"

    *  "Carskie regalii"

  • Is enriched by concentrates of medicinal grasses of eleutherococcus and ðàñòîðîïøè, decreasing the hazard, which could be caused by the alcohol by the loosened organism. Fortress 40%.
  • "CHaykovskY"

    *  "CHaykovskY"

  • The solely soft taste with thin attractive singing l balms èìîííîé in combination with original and elegant packaging, shall do so the vodka fine the ïîäàðêîì.
  • "YUldash"

    *  "YUldash"

  • From alcohol "extra". Brought the natural ingredients (the tartaric acid, the extract of rye brans) attach the soft taste and the clean vodka aroma.
  • "YUry DolgorukY"

    *  "YUry DolgorukY"

  • Traditional technology of Russian vodka. Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèê îâàííûé "luxury"; drinkable specially prepared the treated water; Ca antenna array; citric acid for taste softening. Fortress 40%.
  • "YAmskaya"

    *  "YAmskaya"

  • For amateurs of ascetic simple vodka. Its classic taste is brought to perfection thanks to application of special natural additions. Crewe åïîñòü.