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Víveres aliménticos, bebidas e componentes para estes

Bálsamo de álcool

Escolha marca de produtos
 •  Inter
 *  Nac.
  • "AmurskY"

    *  "AmurskY"

  • Original alcoholic drink with complicated rounded by the aroma and neither with than not comparable taste. In the composition of entering more than 30 components. Ðàçðàá îòàí in 1994.
  • "AyanskY"

    *  "AyanskY"

  • Fortress 45%.
  • "Debryansk"

    *  "Debryansk"

  • This vertex of harmony of taste and aroma 25 components, including extracts 18 medicinal grasses, natural apple juice, kW concentrate àñíîãî must, mineral water etc..
  • "DrevnerusskY"

    *  "DrevnerusskY"

  • In the composition of are included more than 30 denominations of vulnerary plants and berries. Fortress 40%. Has been developed in 1994.
  • "Kompozitor"

    *  "Kompozitor"

  • On the basis 18 drug and ïðÿíîàðîìàòè÷åñêèõ plants: valerian, d óøèöà, lavandin etc.. as well as fruit and berry raw material.
  • "Mashuk"

    *  "Mashuk"

  • Original tonic, prepared on special òåõíî ëîãèè. Fortress 45%.
  • "Moskva"

    *  "Moskva"

  • Composition: alcohol ethyl ðåêòèôèêîâàííûé highest purification; drinkable ñïåöèà ëüíî prepared the water; extract more than 29 kinds of vegetable raw material; I block juice; blueberry Morse; coffee; cinnamon; honey; color; vanillin.
  • "Sedoy Kavkaz"

    *  "Sedoy Kavkaz"

  • The non-repeatable taste and the aroma sets up subtly the selected recruitment from 21 èíãðà of äèåíòà. |
  • "Sputnik"

    *  "Sputnik"

  • In the composition of 32 components, including extracts 24 medicinal grasses, íàòóðàë üíûé apple juice, coniacian, honey, pink, orange and áàëüçàìåíîå p ðóàíñêîå butters.
  • "Stary YAroslavl"

    *  "Stary YAroslavl"

  • From natural raw material. Possesses by the tonic and îáùåóêðåïëÿþùèìè òâàìè. Contains 26 different species of grasses and other vegetable raw material. has rich, saturated the taste and the aroma.
  • "HabarovskY"

    *  "HabarovskY"

  • Fortress 45%.
  • "CHerny almaz"

    *  "CHerny almaz"

  • Bitterish, ecologically clean. Consists of 36 drug and the aroma è÷åñêèõ plants.