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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Detalhas e componentos para artigos electrónicos

Micromontagem híbrida Rh3.430.003 (04 PR)

País: Bielorússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Transducer of transmission code for the transformation of binary óíèïîëÿðíî ãî of digital signal in bi-polar êâàçèòðîè÷íûé signal in ÍÄÂ-3 code or ÀÌI with the velocity of 2048êáèò/ñ in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

1. Parameters of actuating signals: - amplitude of low-lying level - minus (4, 5-5, 0) in; - amplitude of high level - (4, 5-5, 0) in; - pulse duration of timing signal (170-318) ground station; - - transition time from state of sibling in the other and back not more 120 ground stations; - the pulse amplitude of output information signal in case of ñîïðàòèâëå- bear load research institute (220+3) the Omagh, (220-3) the Omagh lies within (9, 6+0, 3) in, ( 9, 6-0, 3) V. the food is carried out from sources constrainedly + (5+0, 25), + (5-0, 25) in; - (5+0, 25), - (5-0, 25) V. constructively is located in housed 155. 15-2

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm

Under agreement with prepayment. Method of ñàìîâûâîçà. |