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 *  Nac.
  • ARF 3.438.004 (PA 006)

    *  ARF 3.438.004 (PA 006)

  • To the operation as a transducer öèôðî-àíàëîãîâî en-blocks of codec, which are a part of analog-digital equipment (ÀÖÎ) instruments ÈÊÌ-30-4.
  • ARF 3.438.007 (EP 007)

    *  ARF 3.438.007 (EP 007)

  • To the operation as a device of management and control of output íàïðÿ æåíèé in secondary power supplies, which are included into equipment composition ÈÊÌ-30-4.
  • ARF 3.438.010 ( NF 002)

    *  ARF 3.438.010 ( NF 002)

  • To the operation as a differential system on extenders recruitment and resistors in instrument of ÈÊÌ-30-4.
  • ARF 3.438.011 (EP 008)

    *  ARF 3.438.011 (EP 008)

  • For the set in payments of remote power supply of ÄÏ-11 and ÄÏ-13 in apparata r of ÈÊÌ-30-4.
  • dhe431131.001 RB 2B8UE002

    *  dhe431131.001 RB 2B8UE002

  • Bidirectional óñèëèòåëü-ïîâòîðèòåëü of signals for communication systems of admission and transmission of a signal on äâóõïðîâîäî÷íîé communication line in the composition of total system of transceiving óñòîéñòâà.
  • dhe434312.001(NF 002-01)

    *  dhe434312.001(NF 002-01)

  • To the operation as a differential system on extenders recruitment and instrument resistors of ÈÊÌ-30-4.
  • MS-1.1

    *  MS-1.1

  • Level limiter for providing of necessary level rise upside here them frequencies of video signal before its supply on frequency modulator and r ãóëèðóåìîãî level limitation of peaks "of black" in luminance channel.
  • MS-1.11

    *  MS-1.11

  • Noise supression. For noise reduction in luminance channel of household videorecorders.
  • MS-1.13

    *  MS-1.13

  • Test signal generator of ñòðî÷íîé frequency. For signal generating in Vi d of black-and-white overfall in videorecorders.
  • MS-1.14

    *  MS-1.14

  • For switching of pass band of noise supression in videorecorders
  • MS-1.2

    *  MS-1.2

  • Proof-reader. For nonlinear videosignal correction when recording the in household videorecorders.
  • MS-1.3

    *  MS-1.3

  • Current amplifier. For videorecorder completing as a component part of its assemblies and blocs.
  • MS-1.4

    *  MS-1.4

  • For issuance on control signal of personnel replacing impulse and for ìèðîâàíèÿ of it from reference signal of frequency of 50Ãö in âèäåîìàãíèòîôîíåÂÌ-18
  • MS-1.5

    *  MS-1.5

  • Module of phase correction. For phase corrector reproduced with ìàãíè òíîé belt of FM signals in consumer video tape recorders
  • MS-1.6

    *  MS-1.6

  • Filter of double clipper. For marking in case of reproduction signa l in the zone of frequency deviation of modulated luminance signal.
  • MS-1.7

    *  MS-1.7

  • Summator of double clipper. For signal addition, encumbent in dollar exchange page of frequency-modulated intensity signal, with signals lower sideband.
  • MS-2.1

    *  MS-2.1

  • Recognition module of PAL. for signal recognition of colour or ÷åðíî-áå LOGO image and generation corresponding manager permanent voltage in videorecorder.
  • MS-2.10

    *  MS-2.10

  • RS-ñáîðêà. For providing of work of integrated circuit of ÊÐ1005ÕÀ7 in video audio tape recorders.
  • MS-2.11

    *  MS-2.11

  • Module of recognition. For recognition of chrominance signal in âèäåîìàãíèòî backgrounds.
  • MS-2.2

    *  MS-2.2

  • Switch of PAL-SEKAM. For providing of work of integrated circuit Crewe of 1005ÕÀ7 both in pal system, and in the system of SEKAM in videorecorder
  • MS-2.3

    *  MS-2.3

  • Mode switch. For commutation of business hours in videorecorder
  • MS-2.4

    *  MS-2.4

  • Direct current amplifier. For generation of manager permanent napa ðÿæåíèÿ in case of recognition of chrominance signal of system of SEKAM
  • MS-2.5

    *  MS-2.5

  • RC-ñáîðêà. For lc filter concordance, calculated on bear load ðàâ Noy 1êÎì in videorecorders.
  • MS-2.6

    *  MS-2.6

  • Amplifier of strobe. For signal detection "burst" in pal system and switch-off of it in the system of SEKAM in videorecorder.
  • MS-2.7

    *  MS-2.7

  • Compensator. Components of cross-over noise for increasing of relation sig íàë/ïîìåõà in pal system videorecorder.
  • MS-2.8

    *  MS-2.8

  • RS-ñáîðêà. For marking of frame-synchronizing pulses from full composite sync pulse in videorecorder.
  • MS-2.9

    *  MS-2.9

  • Amplifier of broad-band. For intensification of electric signals in page from 0. 2ÌÃö to 6. 0ÌÃö in videorecorder.
  • MS-3.1

    *  MS-3.1

  • Mode switch of SEKAM. For commutation of magnetic audio head videorecorders in mode of record and reproduction.
  • MS-3.2

    *  MS-3.2

  • Electronic switch. For generation of control voltages, box ùèõ sound broadcasting channel in pause or in mode accelerated or the slowed down ïîèñ record to videorecorders.
  • MS-AP1

    *  MS-AP1

  • Driver of monophase and three of phase electricity meter with extraction measuring results on step motor
  • MS-GK

    *  MS-GK

  • FM signal proof-reader. For correction of videohead FM signal of household Vi äåîìàãíèòîôîíîâ
  • MS-GS

    *  MS-GS

  • Oscillator of erasing and magnetic bias. For heads of total erasure and sound erasure in videorecorders.
  • MS-KZV

    *  MS-KZV

  • Switch of modes of reproducing and record. For condition switching reproduction and record of videohead of consumer video tape recorders.
  • MS-PP1

    *  MS-PP1

  • Transducer with a capacity of frequency for monophase and three phase ñ÷åò÷è electric power Cove
  • MS-UV

    *  MS-UV

  • Reproducing amplifier. For intensification of playback signal ìàãíè òíîé head of videorecorder sound, commutation of input circuits ìàãíèòí head ouch, correcting of ÀÕ×.
  • MS-UZ

    *  MS-UZ

  • Recording amplifier. For intensification write signal of videorecorder, auto ìàòè÷åñêîé gain control of recorded level, the delay formings in case of transition ïðîöåñàõ of computer conditions.
  • MS-UL1A

    *  MS-UL1A

  • For preamplification of signal from magnetic heads in paths reproduction of household magnetic recording system (ÁÀÌÇ), en-blocks record and reproduction ìèíè-ÁÀÌÇ.
  • MS-UL1B

    *  MS-UL1B

  • For preamplification of signal from magnetic heads in paths reproduction of household magnetic recording system (ÁÀÌÇ), en-blocks record and reproduction ìèíè-ÁÀÌÇ.
  • MS-UN1

    *  MS-UN1

  • For providing of specified output power on bear load from 3. 2 to 40 Omaghs in sound channels, household àïàðàòóðû of magnetic recording (ÁÀÌÇ) and in áëî SIF of record and reproduction ìèíè-ÁÀÌÇ.

    *  MS-UNCH

  • Integrated. For providing of specified output power on äèíàìè÷åñ head SIF by the resistance no less than 3. 2 Omaghs in miniature active feijoa ñòè÷åñêèõ systems
  • MS-UP1

    *  MS-UP1

  • Automatic recording level control. For home equipment ìàãíè òíîé record (ÁÀÌÇ) and in blocks of record and reproduction ìèíè-ÁÀÌÇ.
  • MS-UP2

    *  MS-UP2

  • Recording amplifier. For îáñïå÷åíèÿ specified amplitude-frequency õàðàêòå ðèñòèêè and amplification of signal of low frequency in home equipment magnet record Noy (ÁÀÌÇ) and in blocks of record and reproduction ìèíè-ÁÀÌÇ.
  • MS-UP4

    *  MS-UP4

  • For intensification of audio frequency signal, in particular, electronic ìèê ðîôîíà with equalizing stage in the composition of telephone set.
  • MS-UT1

    *  MS-UT1

  • Integrated. Two-channel telephone repeater. For small-sized household radio-electronic equipment.
  • RDV-11

    *  RDV-11

  • Time relay for commutation of electric DC circuits with Fickean ñèðîâàííûìè expositions of operation time from 0, 05 to 7200ñ.
  • Rh3.036.010 (04 PN)

    *  Rh3.036.010 (04 PN)

  • Current converter - for the transformation of 7-ðàçðÿäíîãî binary code with compression law and 87, 6/13 astrain.
  • Rh3.036.011 (04 PV)

    *  Rh3.036.011 (04 PV)

  • Ïðåîáàçîâàòåëü êîä-òîê for the transformation of 7-ðàçðÿäíîãî binary code with compression law and 87, 6/13 astrain.
  • Rh3.410.000 (04 HP 001)

    *  Rh3.410.000 (04 HP 001)

  • Óñòîéñòâî decisive for amplitude-time selection of actuating signals in instrument of ÈÊÌ-480.
  • Rh3.421.020 (04 UP)

    *  Rh3.421.020 (04 UP)

  • Amplifier correcting for correction of distortion, contributed by cable in transmission path of systems of connection with pulse-code modulation in apparata r of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.421.021;-01;-02

    *  Rh3.421.021;-01;-02

  • For the transformation of actuating signal of sine shape in ïîñëåäîâà òåëüíîñòü of square waves with constant amplitude and ñêâàæíîñ Ti in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.421.028 (04 US)

    *  Rh3.421.028 (04 US)

  • Amplifier äèôôåðöèàëüíûé for forming of group sensor signal of àìïëè òóäíî-èìïóëüñíîé modulating of second kind in instrument of ÑÀÖÊ
  • Rh3.425.003 (04 AP 005)

    *  Rh3.425.003 (04 AP 005)

  • Former of threshold levels for level formation of ïîñòîÿíîãî voltage, providing of ôóíêöèîíèðîíèå of particular units ðåãåíåðàòî DOM with pulse-code modulation and detection in ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.430.003 (04 PR)

    *  Rh3.430.003 (04 PR)

  • Transducer of transmission code for the transformation of binary óíèïîëÿðíî ãî of digital signal in bi-polar êâàçèòðîè÷íûé signal in ÍÄÂ-3 code or ÀÌI with the velocity of 2048êáèò/ñ in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.430.004 (04 PR)

    *  Rh3.430.004 (04 PR)

  • Code converter of admission for the transformation of bi-polar êâàçèòðîííî signal ãî in ÍÄÂ-3 code or ÀÌI in unipolar binary digital sig íàë with transmission speed 2048êáèò/ñ in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.430.005 (04 SK)

    *  Rh3.430.005 (04 SK)

  • Voltage comparator by comparison of analog signals en-block code r in systems of connection with pulse-code modulation.
  • Rh3.430.006 (04 PP)

    *  Rh3.430.006 (04 PP)

  • Asynchronous transducer of transfer for synchronization îáüåäèíÿåìûõ digital flows by the record way of actuating signals in memory óñòðîéñò in and readings in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.430.007 (04 PP)

    *  Rh3.430.007 (04 PP)

  • Asynchronous transducer of admission to allow for recovery of original speed of digital flow 2048 êáèò/ñ record way of digital signal in memory device and readings of it in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.430.010,-01(04 PP)

    *  Rh3.430.010,-01(04 PP)

  • For carrying out of amplitude-time selection of actuating signals.
  • Rh3.430.034 (PP 003)

    *  Rh3.430.034 (PP 003)

  • For rewriting of input digital signal at frequency of local ãåíåðàòî r with fixed by phases of step and octet.
  • Rh3.430.035 (PU 003)

    *  Rh3.430.035 (PU 003)

  • Together with external entities for the transformation of bi-polar quasi ternary signal in ÍÄÂ-3 code or ÀÌI in unipolar binary digital signal on admission and inverse transformation on transfer.
  • Rh3.430.036 (PP 004)

    *  Rh3.430.036 (PP 004)

  • For the transformation of binary octet digital signal 64 êáèò/ñ in relative áèòèìïóëüñíûé signal on transfer and back ïðåîáðàçîâà Nia on admission.
  • Rh3.430.038,Rh3.430.008

    *  Rh3.430.038,Rh3.430.008

  • Synchronizer timing (04 upstream reach) for pulse shaping of timing the hour that in 3-åõ business hours in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.
  • Rh3.432.004-01;02;03;04

    *  Rh3.432.004-01;02;03;04

  • Filter of bar for clock frequency extraction in intermediate ðåòðàí ñëÿòîðå of digital communications.
  • Rh3.439.006 (KT 001)

    *  Rh3.439.006 (KT 001)

  • Key current for forming on burden resistances, plugged to exits of current impulses, as they enters on control inputs èìïóëü voltage owls in instrument of ÈÊÌ-120Ó.