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Sistema federativo informativo sobre produtos e serviços

Архив подсистемы «Информация производителей продукции»

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Equipamento e aparelhos radioelectrónicos

Condensador de ajuste

Escolha marca de produtos
 •  Inter
 *  Nac.
  • KT2-50

    *  KT2-50

  • For operation as integral elements within complete from Äåëèé in circuits of constant, pulsating, alternating currents and in pulse Noy conditions of.
  • KT2-51

    *  KT2-51

  • For operation as integral elements within complete from Äåëèé in circuits of ïðåìåííîãî, constant, pulsating currents and in pulse Noy conditions of.
  • KT4-21

    *  KT4-21

  • Tuning high-stable. Is manufactured in arrangment "A" - for Fixings to charge for housing (under the action of rigid mechanical of íàãðó Testicular germ cell tumors) and "b" - for fixing for conclusions.
  • KT4-23

    *  KT4-23

  • Ceramic, wide application. For the operation in circuits of constant, p Belt and pulsating currents.
  • KT4-24

    *  KT4-24

  • Ceramic. For electronic wristwatches. Small dimensions. Is appropriate in the case of For surface-mount.
  • KT4-25

    *  KT4-25

  • Tuning. In out of climate arrangment.
  • KT4-27

    *  KT4-27

  • For integrated circuits, operating in circuits of d. c and a. c. then Cove, in particular and in microwave range, and in pulse modes. For àïïàðà Tours of wide application.
  • KT4-35

    *  KT4-35

  • Miniature tuning ceramic of wide application. Diameter: 5 mm, vertical height: 4 mm, interconnect distance: 3, 75 mm. Conclusion rigid.
  • KT4-36

    *  KT4-36

  • Ceramic. For electronic wristwatches. Small dimensions. Is appropriate in the case of For surface-mount. Are manufactured under license of company "Citizen", Japan.