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Equipamento de venilação e aquicimento

Aparelho de gás AOGV 2216

Para esta marca existem modificações - pode escolhe-las em baixo, apуs conhecer a anotação e descrição porminorizada

Explicação, anotação:

With water outline. For room heating, equipped by the autonomous hot-water heating system and having the chimney.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

The natural operation of heat-carrying agent (the waters).
are equipped with regulation automatics of autonomous òåðìàíîìåòðè÷åñêîé ÀÐÁÀÒ-1 Á1 the apparata provides the maintaining of permanent specified heat-transfer agents temperature (50-90Ñ), the switch-off of gas feed in case of flame extinction of pilot burner or draught violation in chimney.
no sizable , the good design, the high efficiency factor and the apparata efficiency allow the use of series apparata of ÀÎÃÂ for room heating by the area of 25 to 160 square meters.
the design of heating units allows to deduce smoke gases without the use of forced ventilation.
the technical characteristics:
1. Gas species. Natural
2. Efficiency factor, no less than, %. 83
3. Overall dimensions:
height. 850
width. 850
depth. 850

  Modificação /????????????
?Marcação de modificação
Nominal thermal power, computer engineering nominal thermal power, êêàë/÷àñ gas consumption, ì3/÷àñ area heated space, ì2 minimum heated the area, ì2 mass, kg
1 AOGV-23, 2-1
AOGV-23, 2-1
23260 20000 2, 35 100-160 50 58
2 AOGV-11, 6-1
AOGV-11, 6-1
11630 10000 1, 17 50-80 25 43