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Máquinas-ferramentas, instrumentos e acessórios

Maquina de alargar e fresar 2V622MF4

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Horizontal. With CNC.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

For milling in three planes, borings, borings and holes deployment, threadings into holes by taps and cutter. For surface treatment. technical parameters: rotary table: amounts of writing surface , MM. 1250õ1250 carrying capacity, kg. 6000 boring shaft: diameter, MM. 130 spindle taper. ISO 50 speed limits, on. /ìèí. 6-2000 greatest displacements: table transversely, kh, MM. 1250 spindle unit upright, Y, MM. 1000 side stand, Z, MM. 1000 spindle, W, MM. 710 table tacking, in, degree. 4õ90 limits of cutting feeds: x, Y, Z, W, ìì/ìèí. | 1-7000 in, îá/ìèí. 1-360 speed of quick trial-and-error movements: x, Y, Z, W, ìì/ìèí . 9000 in, îá/ìèí. 3. 2 automatic tool changing device: number of tool slots. 40, 50, 60 maximum mass of tool, kg. 25 maximal diameter established cutter, MM. 250 capacity of main drive no less than, kilowatt. 22 overall dimensions: length, MM. 6350 width, MM. 4130 height, MM. 3980 MCC, kg. 1750

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm