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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Máquinas-ferramentas, instrumentos e acessórios

Maquina de fresa lateral PFS 13-15-4

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

For four-sided planar and profile processing of blank in a single pass ( board planing and batter, sex and planks, boards with shaped section etc).

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

High-production machine with small sizes and mass.

technical characteristics:
1. Amounts of material being worked, MM
minimal length. 400
width. 30. 150
depth. 10. 130
2. Depth lifted layer in a single pass, MM, max. 5
3. Carriages number of, state. 4
4. Cutter diameters, MM. 125, 140, 150
5. Revolution number of spindle, of îá/ìèí. 4600
6. Feed speed, ì/ìèí. 15. 40
7. Total of installed capacity, kilowatt. 19
(including the engine power
supply mechanism), kilowatt . 3
8. Branch pipes amounts, MM. 120 kh 120
9. Total air consumption, ì3/÷àñ. 6000
10. Air flow rate, ì/ñ min. 18
11. Characteristic electric equipments
- current gender supply line. Variable
3 phase
- voltage, in:
machine tool electroconductors. 380
control circuits. 110
signal lamps. 24
12. Overall dimensions, MM, not more
length. 1720
width. 940
height. 1350
13. Machine tool mass, kg, not more. 1000
Ïðèìè÷àíèå: is obtained by the pulleys change.

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm