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Sistema federativo informativo sobre produtos e serviços

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Máquinas-ferramentas, instrumentos e acessórios

Maquina de lima

Escolha marca de produtos
 •  Inter
 *  Nac.
  • OK-5

    *  OK-5

  • For four-sided grinding of batten and other shaped linear products, made of file, MDF or faced by the veneer.
  • SHlD-9

    *  SHlD-9

  • For processing of planar and relief shield parts. The processing ïðîèçâî äèòñÿ three power units: rotor device and two ëåïåñòêî yowl drums.
  • SHlP

    *  SHlP

  • For intermediate grinding of varnishing of furniture boards and systems òåëüíûõ carpentries.
  • SHlPI

    *  SHlPI

  • For grinding of profile and planar linear wood wares elastic abrasive disk. Spindle tacking to 90 degrees. Êîíâåé åðíàÿ submission. Automatic feeding of abrasive disk in wear and tear ïîöåññå
  • SHLPS-6

    *  SHLPS-6

  • For face grinding of furniture boards, parquet and other ñòîëÿðíî-ñòðî èòåëüíûõ products.
  • SHlPS-6K

    *  SHlPS-6K

  • Tape, for surface grinding of shield and bar parts in furniture and joiner-building productions.
  • SHlPS-8MP

    *  SHlPS-8MP

  • Tape, with rotary øëèôãîëîâêîé. For grinding of planar and relief Noy surfaces of shield and bar parts in furniture and ñòîëÿðíî- building productions.
  • SHlPS-D

    *  SHlPS-D

  • Narrow-band with movable table, heat-sealing machine, rotor with daisywheel øëèôî shaft heads. For Belaya and varnished planar and relief ïîâåð of õíîñòåé.
  • SHlPS-Kombi

    *  SHlPS-Kombi

  • Tape, with rotary øëèôãîëîâêîé. For grinding of planar, relief Noy, edge surfaces
  • SHlPF3-200D

    *  SHlPF3-200D

  • For trilateral grinding in a single pass of batten etc. products you ïîëíåííûõ from file. Possibly machine tool execution for intermediate grinding of varnishing.