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Medizinische Apparaturen, Ausr'stungen und Zubeh're

Mikroskop ophthalmoplegisches MH-OF-2 LOMO

Das Land: Russia
 Der Lieferantentyp: Warenhersteller  
 Die Information über den Lieferanten  ProduktionsIdentifizierer

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For tonducting an operating on following sections of from the viewpoint: on front and on ðáèòå.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Technical characteristics: lens, MM - f=200 (f=175) relay system of increase (buildup factors) - 0, 4; 0, 63; 1, 0; 1, 6; 2, 5 angular magnifying power from 3, 2 to 25, 0 in case of f=200 from 3, 5 to 28, 6 in case of f=175 linear field, MM from 68 to 8 tacking of optical head around its axes: kh (îòñåáÿ on itself) plus, minus 30 degrees Y ( left-to-right - to the left) Plus, minus 30 ãàäóñîâ Z (around âåðò. axis) plus, minus 120 degrees assistant observation: binocular with various stereo effect for õóðóðãà and assistant. monocular. illuminating: double coaxial fiber-optic cold television adapter: for 1/2 TV - camera, CS-mount. mass, kg - 157 excursion ranges endwise vertical axis: rough focusing, MM - 720 Ìèêðîôîêóñèðîâêà, MM - 40 limits of coordinate displacement above field of operation, MM: plus, minus 20 light Èòî÷íèê: two ãàëàãåííûå lamps (15Â, 150Âò) with interference reflector. overall dimensions, MM - 2310õ810õ1850 oculars 10õ/22; 12, 5õ/18 with changeable sterilizable blinders for work spectacled and without them . the reflectionless optics sets up the hard image with high resolving power and color reproduction, provides large the sharpness depth . Independent change of increases for surgeon and assistant. Directorate of ìèêðîôîêóñèðîâêîé and coordinate displacement above field of operation from pedal. Improved the stereo effect, optimal illumination of field of operation by the white light at the expense of use high-quality illumination optics, halogen lamps with interference reflector and optical fiber bundles, fabricated by newest technologies. Detachable ñòåðåëèçóåìûå caps on bodies of management and blinders on oculars.

Die Bedingung der Lieferung:

Preis: der Vertragspreis für itm