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Lüftung- und Heizungsausrüstungen

Warmwasserkessel _________ KSVa-1,25 "VK-32"

Für diese Marke gibt es die Modifikationen - wählen Sie unten nach dem Kennenlernen die Inhaltsangabe und die ausführliche Beschreibung

Die Erklärung/Inhaltsangabe:

For heating and heat water supply.

Die ausführliche Beschreibung der Marke:

Block computer-based and stationary boiler-room.
optional the boilers are used in are being manufactured in various alternatives: without heat utilizator of smoke gases, with utilizator from stainless steel. If the latter case the heat utilizator of smoke gases may to work in condensation condition, that provides the significant increase of boiler efficiency.
opening, cooled the door and the utilizator, make it possible of examination of furnace and fire-tube part of boiler, that determines its high repairability. the direction (left or right) the doors opening, the availability or the absence and the heat recovery device type is specified in case of order.
optional the boilers can be equipped burner system with automatics on the basis of national hardware with set of control means "the condition" - the burner system block ÊÌ-939, or with automatics on the basis of hardware German company "Krom-Schroder" - burner system block of ÊÌ-1280. Is thereby ensured the clean fuel burning with little education of air-polluting emissions.
the automatic system carries out:
- preoperational blow of furnace by the air;
- automatic start;
- stepless regulation of thermal power on some interval 30. 100% from nominal;
- accidental stop of boiler on safety parameters;
- vacuum tightness control of gas valves;
- parameter check.
technical characteristics:
1. Nominal òåïëîïðèçâîäèòåëüíîñòü, megawatt (Ãêàë/÷. 1, 25 (1, 075);
2. Fuel. Gas natural;
3. Conjuctive gas pressure, kPa. 22. 24;
4. Gas consumption, íì^3/÷. 140;
5. Water temperature:
at the output of, not more degree. S. 115;
at entry, no less than degree. S. 60;
6. Pressure of water in boiler, not more MPa. 0, 6;
7. Flow friction of boiler, MPa. 0, 04;
8. Aerodynamic resistance of boiler, item. 350;
9. Content of harmful immixtures in smoke gases:
carbon oxide not more. 60;
nitric oxide not more. 140.

  Die Modifikation/Spezifikation
Маркировка модификации
Coefficient of performance, no less than, % temperature of smoke gases , degree. With mass dry, not more, kg boiler clearances, m heat recovery device availability
92 180 3000 3, 47õ1, 2õ2, 1 without utilizator
95 70. 100 3570 4, 5õ1, 1õ2, 1 with utilizator