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Varnishes, paints, glues

Paint water VD-VA

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For colour of wood (except sex colour), concrete, plastered surfaces of indoor of dwelling and municipal building.

Detailed model description:

Before application the dye carefully mix. The substrate preliminary clear, the dye inflict by the brush, platen or sprayer on dry surface with intermediate drying 1 hrs.
dye expenditure on one-layer coating 190 ã/ì2. If required the dye dilute water. The dye keep in densely closed container at temperature higher than 0Ñ. The dye frostproof after defrosting keep their property.
the dye ïîæàðîâçðûâîáåçîïàñíà, nontoxic.
the guarantee storage life - 12 months.

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per kg