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Federative information system of producers on products and services

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Engineering tools, tooling and facilities

Saw gang CtCt-2-PM700

Values registered according to statutory norms
(classified indexes, standards, licences)
Registrator Norm Value
PP OKP 383411
PP TN VED 846591200

Norm: TN VED
Full NameTovarnaya nomenklatura vneshneekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
AbbreviationTN VED 
Region of operationÑÍà
Commencement Date03-11-1995 
Implemented by the Document :
Full Name of the DocumentSoglashenie o edinoy Tovarnoy nomenklature vneshneekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv
Author of the DocumentPravitelstva Azerbaydzhana,Belrusi, Gruzii, Kazahstana, Kyrgyzstana, Moldovy, Rossii, Tadzhikistana,Turkmenistana, Uzbekistana, i Ukrainy 
Document Number 
Validation Date30-11-1995