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Structural road-building machinery

Installation crushing DSU otdelenie drevesiny

Country: Russia
 Supplier: Producer  
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For product processing of drift and disassemly of old buildings, íåêîíäèöèîíí ûõ of concrete and ferro-concrete products; construction waste by the way of them from ìåëü÷åíèÿ and sorting out with branch of metal, woods and plastic

Detailed model description:

The directives units are mounted to sites, not demanding structure of speciality èàëüíûõ basements. Directorate of units - remote control system of desk PAN ðàâëåíèÿ. Is provided the self-locking of units work. capacity, ì3/÷ - 80. amount loadable pieces, greatest, MM - 600. installed capacity, kilowatt - 310. ground amount under directive, m - 40õ50. equipment in the composition of directive: 1. Feeder lamellar of ÄÐÎ-604 2. Grading and assortment work unit of ÄÐÎ-654. 3. Unit of primary crushing of ÄÐÎ-646 4. Feeder lamellar 5. Guard magnet 6. Separating station 7. Grading and assortment work unit ÄÐÎ-602 8. Unit of secondary crashing with crusher ÑÌÄ-85À 9. Conveyer ÑÌÄ-152 10. Conveyer ÑÌÄ-151 - 6 state. 11. Conveyer ÑÌÄ-152-10 12. Directorate unit Ó7810. 4À

Conditions of delevery:

Price: agreed per itm

Prepayment, troc