* "Bolero" | Unexpected surprise - red in white. Parfait with cranberry, Belaya áèñêâè
T.. Fatness - 35 %. Sale term - 120 hrs..
* "Gurman" | The elegant gourmet likes pleasant surprise. Parfait with crude and coffee, biscuit
ðóëåòíûé. Fatness - 35 %. Sale term - 120 hrs..
* "Natali" | Ideal village picture, Lady in aroma of fruits and berries. The parfait
e with raspberry, oranges, apples, layer áèñêâèòà. | Fatness - 35
%. Sale term - 120 hrs..
* "Polet" | On the basis of âîçäóøíî-îðåõîâîãî semi-finished product. Storage life 120 part.
* "Sabrina" | World in contrasts of colour, taste and íñòðîåíèÿ. Parfait Belaya and chocolate, b
åëûé and êàêàî-áèñêâèò. Fatness - 35 %. Sale term - 120 hrs..
* "Stefani" | Hot brunette with non-repeatable aroma. Parfait with chocolate, êàêàî- LSI
quit with nuts and èçþìîì. Fatness - 35 %. Sale term - 120 hrs..
* "CHocholina" | The young honey it's time, is forcing to dream and to bask in mellowy spring in
Coosa. Parfait with honey, êàêàî-áèñêâèò. Fatness - 35 %. Sale term -
120 hrs..
* "SHefler" | Harmony of souther and light sea breeze. Parfait with chocolate and from
þìîì êàêàî-áèñêâèò. Fatness - 35 %. Sale term - 120 hrs..
* "SHokolino" | Alluring, intriguing the chocolate night. Parfait chocolate with glaze, as
àî-áèñêâèò. Fatness - 35 %. Sale term - 120 hrs..
* Polet | Weight 0, 6 kg. Õðàíåíÿ period 120 h.
Polet 1kg
* Polet 1kg | Weight 1, 0 kg. Õðàíåíÿ period 120 h.
* Vozdushno-shokoladny | Weight 0, 9 kg. Õðàíåíÿ period 4 days.
* Kosmichesky | Figure. Weight 2, 0 kg. Õðàíåíÿ period 120 h.
* Viktoriya | Weight 0, 6 kg. Õðàíåíÿ period 4 days.