* "Arahisovye" | From wafer sheets of deep fluting, interleaved original àðàõè
owls filling. Weight - 100,.
* "Zemlyanichnye" | Light and odorous, from wafer sheets of deep fluting, interleaved
adorable filling with strawberry aroma, íàâåâàþò the memories on
summer. Weight - 100,.
* "Mindalno-kokosovye" | Aromatic and aerial, from wafer sheets of deep fluting, ïðîñëîå
ííûå wonderful ìèíäàëüíî-êîêîñîâîé filling. Weight - 100,.
* "Orehovye" | From wafer sheets of deep fluting, interleaved by the aromatic îðåõîâîé
filling. Unforgettable taste of roast nutlets of nobody not îcòàâèò
øíûì. Weight - 100,.
* "Slivochnye" | Mellowy and crunching, from wafer sheets of deep fluting, ïðîñëîåííû
e by the aerial cream filling, the fine sweetmeat to tea and the milt. In
European Community - 100,.