Aclaración/resumen:The miniature narrow-band divider provides the equal to power dividing
on four channel, has the insignificant phasic unbalance, high iso
the channels ëÿöèþ, that provides the high-quality telephone communication.
Descripción completa de la marca:Frequency range 3. 7 - 4. 3 gHerzes.
amplitude unbalance +/- 0. 2 decibels.
phasic unbalance +/- 2 degree.
insertion losses 0. 5 decibels.
insulation 22 decibels. ÊÑÂÍ. 25.
overall dimensions 40. 6õ38. 1õ10. 0 MM.
RJ 50 Omaghs by the cross section 3. 5/1. 52 MM. |