KBS V 7,5F 50
* KBS V 7,5F 50 | Concrete, concrete class in 7, 5, freezing resistance f 50
KS V100F50
* KS V100F50 | From fine concrete of class in fastness 100 and mark on
freezing resistance of F50
KS V3,5
* KS V3,5 | Keramzit-concrete with òåðìîâêëàäûøåì from class polystyrene foam on
compression strength in 3, 5 and marks on freezing resistance f 15
KS V40F300W4
* KS V40F300W4 | Modular from fine-grain âèáðîïðåññîâàííîãî concrete of Â40 W4
KS V75F25
* KS V75F25 | From class ceramic concrete in fastness 75 and mark on freezing resistance
KS M150F100
* KS M150F100 | From mark áåòîííà of Ì150, marks on freezing resistance of F100
KS M50F15
* KS M50F15 | Keramzit-concrete hollow
* KSB | Small from light concrete on cement astringent
KSK 50Mrz15
* KSK 50Mrz15 | Keramzit-concrete marks 50 Ìðç
* KSKB M10 | Êåðàìçèòîáåòîííûû alleviated from class concrete on compression strength
Ì10, marks on freezing resistance of F25
* KSM | Small from concrete of high specific weight on cement astringent
SKC 50/1200/35
* SKC 50/1200/35 | From ceramic concrete
SKC M 150F50
* SKC M 150F50 | On cement astringent from mark concrete of m 150, freezing resistance f 50
SKC M200F5
* SKC M200F5 | Concrete ÑÊÖ type from mark concrete on compression strength of Ì200, marks
on freezing resistance of F50
SKC M50F 50
* SKC M50F 50 | ÑÊÖ type on cement astringent from light concrete of mark in fastness on
m compression 50, freezing resistance f 50
* SKC-1 | Keramzit-concrete.
SKC-1R 100/1500/35
* SKC-1R 100/1500/35 | From type ceramic concrete of ÑÊÖ-1Ð
SKC-3R 25/1650
* SKC-3R 25/1650 | Concrete