Aclaración/resumen:Microwave. For mildew inhibited, elements disinfecting of warehouses, built structures, vegetable barns, depot containers.
Descripción completa de la marca:For drying and bacteria treatment of walls, including after plaster, for deep drying of walls in places of water leakages; for foaming of liquid glass; for the destruction of ãðèáêà and wood beetle on wood surfaces; for defrosting of constructive element; for quick desiccation of glue joints etc. technical characteristics. 1. Area of simultaneous processing, standard apartment of M.. 1 2. Capacity consumption, ìàx êÂò/÷. 1, 4 3. Clearances external, (ÄõØõÂ) MM. 1050õ450õ260 4. Mass, not more kg. 20 5. Directorate of technological regime. Remote console to 15ì |