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L'outillage, l'équipement et les dispositifs médicaux

Ensemble radiologique G2-5

Le pays: Russie
 le type du fournisseur: le producteur  
 L'information sur le fournisseur  Indicateurs des produits


To carry out of roentgenography and longitudinal tomography on X-ray diagnostic table and roentgenography on X-ray image stand.

La description détaillée de marque:

Technical characteristics X-ray diagnostic table: - longitudinal travel decks, MM - 910 - across movement decks, MM - 190 - distance " äåêà-ïëåíêà" not more, MM - 60 - distance "ôðîêóñ-ïëåíêà", MM - 1150 - distance from sex to decks, MM - 750 - âåðèòèêàëüíîå displacement of radiator no less than, MM - 1325 - linear longitudinal tomography (2 speeds) cornered: 8 degree. - 0, 3 and 0, 6ñ 20 degree. - 0, 9 and 1, 8ñ 45 degree. - 2, 0 and 4, 0ñ - column tacking with radiator, hybrid rocket motor. degree. - 90 - automated centring of bundle with ïîëåíêîé X-ray image stand: - vertical displacement of sustaining wall, MM - 1370 - down position of photo centre from sex, MM - 330 - the tacking of sustaining wall in two planes, the hybrid rocket motor. degree. - 340 and 120 feeding arrangement of ÐÅÍÅÊÑ-ÀÂÒÎ - kw wind turbine - 50 - food: 3 phase V. - 380 Hz. - 50 - Directorate: microprocessor-based - parameters roentgenography apartment. - 40-150 mitotic activity. - 25-800 roentgenoscopy apartment. - 40-110 mitotic activity. - 0. 5-5

Les conditions de fourniture:

Le prix; de contrat pour cset