L'explication/l'anotation:Carrier vehicle of ÃÀÇ-3309 (4 kh 2)
La description détaillée de marque:Carrying capacity, kg. 4075
mass live, kg. 3940
body cubic capacity áåç/ with íàäñòàâíûìè boards, cu. m.. 5, 0/10
internal dimensions of body, MM. 3516 kh 2280 kh 620
type of discharge of the cargo. By 3 parties
angle of ascent of íàçàä/íà body cheeks, degree. 50/4
5Äâèãàòåëü. ÃÀÇ-5441. 10, Deese
. Engine power, kilowatt (horse power). 85 (116
) speed transport, êì/÷. 9
0Êîíòðîëüíûé fuel consumption in case of 60 êì/÷, km ë/100. 14,
5Êîëåñíàÿ base, MM. 377
0Äîðîæíûé lumen, MM. 26
5Ãàáàðèòíûå amounts, MM. 6476 kh 2456 kh 240
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