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La technique de construction et de route

Chargeur hydraulique ZTM-216

Le pays: Russie
 le type du fournisseur: le producteur  
 L'information sur le fournisseur  Indicateurs des produits


Front, pneumowheel. For loading and unloading, ïåðåìå ùåíèÿ of building and other materials at arm's lengths, land Noy works with discharging of them in mouldboard or transport.

La description détaillée de marque:

Technical data carrying capacity, T.. 3. 5 bucket capacity, ì3. 1. 7-2. 0 work-cycle time, S.. 40 maximal travelling speed, êì/÷àñ. 30 operating mass, kg. 9760 bucket width, MM. 2450 hydraulics: pumps of gear. ÍØ-50 maximal äàâëåíèåâ working outline, MPa. 20 cutout distribution manifold 5-ñåêöèîííûé motor model. Ä-245 type. Diesel capacity, êÂò/ë ñ/. 77/105 starting. Electric starter electrical system voltage, V.. 12/24 transmission both bridge leading number of gears: âïåðåä-4, íàçàä-2 refill capacities Baku of working liquid, L.. 210 motor Baku, fuel, L.. 270 tyre: inflation pressure, MPa. 0. 28 steering helmsman óïðàâëåíèå-ãèäðàâëè÷åñêîå with tracking hydraulic back ñâÿçüþ/äàâëåíèå 10 ÌÏà/, including the pump of ÍØ-50. Accidental íàñîñ- axial-plunger electropump. Minimum radius of ïîâîðîòà-5900ìì. brake system brake system double unit pneumatic. service brakes of drum type C two inboard shoes. parking brake of outright play, disc, power-actuated.

Les conditions de fourniture:

Les prix: pour 24.11.1998 g pour itm Le prix de gross: 200000.00 RUR(RUR)
Le prix de détail: 270000.00 RUR(RUR)

Conditions ïîñòàâêè-ôðàíêî-çàâîä. |