Schiaramento/annotazione:Electric. For commercial thermal energy account and number of
heat-carrying agent in hot water supply systems and heating.
Descrizione del marchio dettagliata:Quality system of ÈÑÎ-9001-96.
control gear diameter, MM 25. 1000
heat meter class 4
working range of flow rate measurement, % 1. 100
maximal speed of heat-transfer agent, ì/ñ 5
working range of heat-transfer agents temperature, degree. With 0. 150
working pressure, MPa, not more 1. 6
power consumption ( mains-operated 50Ãö, 220Â), VA 8
environment temperature, degree. With 5. 50
overall dimensions, MM 85õ180õ258
mass, kg 3. 5 |