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Equipamento e aparelhos de medição

Analizador de mercúrio RA-915+

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Portable. For determining of mercury content in water, air, soil, bloods, urine, hairs by the method of àòîìíî-àäñîðáöèîííîé spectrometry. Êîìï ëåêòóåòñÿ weigher (1-5 the magnetic tape), adapters of ÐÏ-91 and ÐÏ-91Ñ, IBM pc with.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

Is based on resonance radiation absorption 254 nm by mercury atoms with IC use of zeeman correcting of non-selective merger. Îïðåäå mercury ëåíèå without preliminary its accumulation on gold sorbent. ultra-low detection limit of mercury into the air in mode of real âðå ìåíè 5 íã/êóá. M. Dynamic measurement range more than 3 procedures. Anatomy examples Lys of complex composition without sample preparation . Work in field whisker ëîâèÿõ from built-in battery of batteries. Amicable computer interface. C language State register Russian Federation of N 18795-99. C language State register of N 486. food, in, 50 cycles 220 direct current 9/15 capacity, computer engineering 20 length, MM 460 width, MM 210 height, MM 110 mass, kg 7, 5 directive condition: education in St. Petersburg or ïóñêîíàëàäêà in ëàáî customer ðàòîðèè; personal computer - to work with adapters; additional recommended the equipment - ÑÂ×-ìèíåðàëèçàòîð Minotaur - 1 (mineralization of foodstuffs, blood), ôîòîëèçíàÿ camera ÔÊ-12Ì (water mineralization).

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm