Explicação, anotação:For part priming from aluminium, magnesium, titanium alloys of carbonaceous and non-corrosive.
Descrição porminorizada da marca:Represents the pigment suspension in solution of acrylic resin of organic solvents with introduction of addition and plasticizers. the way of application: - before application the prime coating carefully mix, dilute to working viscosity by the mixture 12-18 with ÂÇ-246 viscometer by the dissolvent 648 or Ð-5À. - prime coating inflict at the surface by the method of pneumatic atomization or brush. - the prime coating expenditure on the one-layer coating according to surface species makes up 150-250 ã/êâ. M. - the drying time of primer coat at a temperature of (20+-3) degree. With - not more 1÷. - the prime coating keep in densely closed container, keep out action of direct sunlights and moisture. - the guarantee storage life - 6 months from the day manufacture. precaution : - while exercising of painting works, as well as after their end it is necessary carefully to ventilate premises. - for hand guard to apply rubber gloves. - to take care from fire. |
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