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Equipamento, acessórios e aparelhagem de medicina

Lâmpada ultra-violeta DRB

Para esta marca existem modificações - pode escolhe-las em baixo, apуs conhecer a anotação e descrição porminorizada

Explicação, anotação:

Increased intensity. For the purification and disinfection of water.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

May be used for disinfection of air medium and surfaces in medical institutions, photochemical purification of gas spaces from compounds having the merger in the field 180-260 nm.
represent linear ðòóòíî-êâàðöåâûå low-pressure lamps with increased by the intensity of radiation in îäíîîáðàçóþùåé portion of the spectrum. Lamp is accomplished in bulbs from high-quality varieties of quarts glass.

on individual order the quartz-lamps of other clearances and capacities in compliance with customer requirements may be produced.

  Modificação /????????????
?Marcação de modificação
Candle power, computer engineering tube voltage, in lamp current, and ultra-violet radiant flux, computer engineering length, MM diameter, MM
1 DRB 11
DRB 11
13 65 0, 185 4, 2 320 14
2 DRB 20
DRB 20
25 70 0, 38 8, 5 535 20
3 DRB 80
DRB 80
100 90 0, 95 35, 0 1220 22