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Arcas e frigoríficos

Depósito de frutas de quarto câmaras H-800

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

For cooling, freezings and food preservations. Volume 800 tons. Consists of 4 left luggage offices, cargo corridor, workshop of commodity processing, amenity rooms, machine and rail the trestle.

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

Frame - metal, from roll-formed shape and H beam. barrier - three coating panels (á=80, 100, 125 MM) type "sandwich" with plating from galvanized the glass-lined steel and ïåíîïîëèóðèòàíà in êà÷åñ warmer òâå. Roof - profiled galvanized boarding. Length - 52, 5 M.. Width - 53, 5 M.. Height - 9, 6 M.. area, apartment. M 2106 volume of single storage, t 825 temperature within camera, degree. With +1 to - 4 electric power consumption, kilowatt 148, 4 heat consumption, êêàë/÷ 63000 water consumption, Cuba. Ì/ñóò 3, 6 the fire-resistance rating IVà

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm