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Подсистема «Информация производителей продукции»

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Equipamento tecnológico

Instalação de aparelho de secar Musson-2 MOD

País: Rússia
 Tipo de fornecedor: Produtor  
 Informação sobre fornecedor  Identificadores de produçäo

Explicação, anotação:

Modular. Microwave vacuum. For product drying

Descrição porminorizada da marca:

Of high quality of dry provision, power and the resource saving, the interface with computer, the automated the product tedding in drying process, the ecological cleanness, universally, the Directorate of technological regime of programme.
in the chamber of convection finish drying it is possible free äîñóøèòü the product with the help of hot air, formed as a result of plant operation. Data the technology allows to increase productivity and to save 20% electric power. The camera use of convection finish drying not is binding.

technical characteristics.
1. Simultaneous load of kg raw material. To 100
2. Capacity on raw material (according to initial and final moisture) êã/÷àñ. Of 20 to 940 3. Capacity consumption, not more
in case of drying, êÂò/÷. 16
in case of hot, êÂò/÷. 20
4. Drying temperature, degree. S. 25-80
5. Clearances external, (ÄõØõÂ) MM. 2090õ1015õ1965 6. Camera of convection finish drying, built-in, (ÄõØõÂ) MM. 500õ1000õ1500 7. Combined area of, occupied by the module, apartment of M.. 3, 5 8. In set camera of convection finish drying, øò/ëîòêîâ. 1/15
9. Directorate of technological regime. Programme

Condições de fornecimento:

Preço combinado por itm